
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Battle of the Bonds (1983)

  In 1983, Bond fans were not only going to be treated to one but two Bond movies, a chain of events occurred that got Sean Connery to return to the role that he made famous while at the same time Roger Moore would film his sixth Bond movie, both films were to be released in the summer of 1983 going up against one another. With the surprise announcement of Connery returning, EON was determined to have Moore return for another film. After "For Your Eyes Only", Moore hinted that he was ready to leave the role. Timothy Dalton and Michael Billington were considered to play Bond while American actor James Brolin did a screentest for "Octopussy", and came close to winning the role after the screentest was successful, however EON felt that Moore would do better in a box office battle with Connery than a new actor taking over the role. So Moore came back, the stage was set and two Bond films in the summer of '83 going up against one another, however that didn't happ

The Roger Moore era (1973-1985) Part 1

  With Connery and Lazenby out of the picture, Connery refused the then unheard of sum of $5.5 million to return, it was time for a new James Bond, many candidates were considered including Jeremy Brett ("My Fair Lady"), William Gaunt (known for the show "The Champions"), and future Bond actor Timothy Dalton while Michael Billington, known for the series UFO was a frontrunner for the role, meanwhile United Artists wanted an American for the role, considering Burt Reynolds and Paul Newman, the role went to Roger Moore, an already established star known for playing the titular role on the television "The Saint". Moore was said to have been considered before in both "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" and "Diamonds are Forever" but his schedule prevented him from doing so. With Moore taking over the role, it began a cycle of subsequent film audiences being given their own James Bond, this would also start the never ending debate of who w

Connery's Return (1971)

  Following the release of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", George Lazenby declined an offer to star in another Bond movie and the filmmakers are faced with a clean slate and United Artists were concerned that they were hurting the series and the decision was to give the series a change. One suggestion was to make a movie that would the tone and structure of "Goldfinger", the first Bond movie to achieve blockbuster status with Guy Hamilton returning to direct, however the 1970s being a time of social upheaval with many believing that Bond's British club land values are Pasay and believe that Bond should be more American with actors like Clint Eastwood and Adam West being considered to replace Lazenby but turned down the role because they felt that Bond should remain British, Michael Gambon also turned down the role, however John Gavin, known for his roles in films like "Pyscho" and "Spartacus" had signed to the role, however, UA was unh

The Lazenby Era (1969)

 Following the departure of Sean Connery, the Bond series would continue with a new actor, which was by then a big obstacle for both Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman. Actors who were considered but turned it down were Michael Caine, and Dick Van Dyke while rising stars like Terence Stamp and Oliver Reed were considered. Eventually the role went down to five candidates, and the one who won the role was an actor with little acting experience, an Australian model named George Lazenby. Lazenby's sole 007 film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service was a box office hit but the fan reception to him as the Bond wasn't exactly enthusiastic, however fans have warmed up to him the years since and OHMSS would be considered one of the best Bond films. Producers want to get away from the gadgets and cartoonish elements that were around in the past films, they wanted to bring 007 back to reality and get back to the basics of the character, this a battle cry that would be heard time and t

The Connery Era (1962-1967)

  Around the late-1950s to early 1960s, two film producers Albert "Cubby" Broccoli and Harry Saltzmann had both purchased the rights to Ian Fleming's book series based on the character of James Bond. They had asked United Artists for financing, but the studio would only put up $1 million, but later the UK arm of UA provided an extra $100,000 to create a climax for the first movie "Dr. No". The biggest part of the movie was casting an actor for the role of James Bond, Brocooli and Saltzman offered the role to Cary Grant, who turned it down due to his age, James Mason, Richard Burton, Patrick McGoohan and David Niven also turned down the role. Future Bond actor Roger Moore was said to have been considered, but instead to role went to an unknown Scottish actor Sean Connery, who both Brocolli and Saltzman thought as the perfect choice, however Fleming disapproved of the actor feeling that he was "thuggish" and did not have any high class qualities. Connery